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to 20th Century Alchemy by Joe E. Champion
From centuries before the reign of Cleopatra, the luster of
gold has mesmerized mankind. Kings and rulers alike summoned
their magicians and commissioned physicians to partake in the
studies of alchemy. For even in Fourth Century China, alchemy
was elevated to a medical science because the magical concoction
of "Drinkable Gold" was considered the elixir of eternal
During the early Renaissance, most European monarchs had at
least one or two alleged gold makers on their payrolls with
exclusive licenses for production of noble metals. With the
issuance of a commission, the rulers made laws declaring it
illegal for others to practice this mystical art. Even Isaac
Newton dabbled in alchemy, as recorded in his journals, and
conducted several laboratory experiments to test its applicability.
As modern day science evolved, starting in the middle of the
19th Century, it was assumed as an absolute fact that one could
not bring about the change of one element to another without
energies stupendously greater than that of any chemical reaction.
Thus, the laws of scientific absolutes are once again being
This book is not about gold, but the transmutation of elements.
It is for the hobbyist, the high school chemistry buff, the
seekers of knowledge, and whoever wishes to gain an understanding
of how the universal formation of elements occurred. You will
find simple procedures, where, with basic equipment, one can
bring about by nuclear change the transmutation of one element
to another.
As I will go into much greater detail later, the cause of change
from one element to another only occurs through a nuclear reaction.
The discovery I made did nothing to change the universal laws
of science. I only defined a new set of condi-tions under which
a nuclear reaction can occur.
"Ye who makes thy own gold, makes thy own rules."
J. Champion
this book, you will learn different procedures on how one synthetically
produces gold from a portion of mercury. The reason I chose
gold as the primary metal is, for years, gold has become the
status symbol of wealth. It's malleable and ductile conditioning
makes for beautiful jewelry and artifacts. Gold is produced
today from mining. South Africa is producing two-thirds of the
world's supply. South Dakota and Nevada are the only two states
in the U.S. which are producing commercial quantities. Other
countries involved in gold production include Canada, Russia,
Brazil and countries within Southeast Asia.
People today have little comprehension of the massive work that
is required to make an ounce of gold. For example, an average
mining company must process upwards of twenty tons of mineralized
ore to produce one troy ounce (31.103 grams) of gold. When the
efficiency of the process covered in this text is maximized,
it will require the conversion of less than a pound of mercury
to produce an ounce of gold and platinum! Tests of the "Champion
Process" within the last year have shown the equivalence
of up to 32 troy ounces of gold production from one ton of synthesized
minerals. This does not take into consideration the platinum
and other metals produced in the same operation! Oof course,
gold is financially vulnerable due to its relationship to the
various international currencies. This was evident in a conversation
with Mr. Brian Russell, Consulate For Energy and Mining, South
African Embassy, Washington, D.C.. When I asked him for the
cost to mine an ounce of gold in South Africa, he immediately
asked the question, "What is the value of gold today?"
The answer is a numbers game, for if the value of gold is high,
they can afford to mine a much lower grade of ore at higher
costs, and the reverse when the price is at a lower value.
However, there did appear to be an unwritten rule communicated
that day. There would be a major problem for South Africa if
the value of gold was to fall beneath, say, $300.00 U.S. per
ounce. This is easily rationalized due to the centuries of mining
within the country which has depleted their high grade reserves.
The point is, with new transmutation technologies, we can create
the expensive metals from abundant, inexpensive premined base
Platinum, another precious metal economically valued higher
than gold, was discovered in the Ural Mountains of Columbia,
South America in 1735. Later, large deposits were found in South
Africa. This country now supplies sixty percent of the world's
production. Thirty percent is produced in Russia, with the remaining
ten percent of the platinum reserves being mined as trace metals
in the vast nickel deposits of Ontario, Canada.
In association with platinum, the precious metal industry recognized
a series of elements known as the PLATINUM GROUP METALS, or
better known as "PGMs." The Platinum Group Metals,
in addition to Platinum (Pt) , consist of iridium (Ir) , osmium
(0s) , palladium (Pd) , rhodium (Rh) and ruthenium (Ru) . A
portion of these metals are now present in your everyday life.
For example, palladium, platinum and rhodium can be found in
automobile catalytic converters. Their function is to transform,
or reduce the harmful engine fumes to non-toxins.
These metals are also found in other similar industrial applications
where the reduction of harmful hydrogenous compounds are required.
Iridium appears in many fountain pen tips. Palladium is used
in numerous hydrogeneration, dehydrogeneration and jewelry applications.
Rhodium, the rarest of the PGM's is in high demand for its use
in catalytic converters. In the "Champion Process,"
Rhodium and palladium are created through a nuclear conversion
of silver.
The largest natural reserve of silver is located in Mexico which
supplies approximately 80% of the world's demand for native
silver. Silver, similar to lead, has been labeled a toxic substance
by environmental laws. As a result, its use has been curtailed,
whereas recycling efforts have been maximized. one of silver's
largest industrial requirements is the production of diagnostic
x-ray film. Silver consists of two natural isotopes, one of
which (107) is partially consumed during the xray process. Because
of this selective isotopic consumption, recycled silver is not
recommended for the synthetic production of rhodium.
The sporadic rambling to this point was necessary to demonstrate
the general requirements of the varying reactions and to illustrate
the potential restructuring of wealth between nations. For example,
Mexico, as a nation, hosts the largest in-ground reserves of
mercury for the Western Hemisphere. Thus, the future of Mexico's
importance to the world increases as a supplier of synthetically
produced gold and PGM's. The key to the future value of precious
metals is not from the advancement of mining techniques, but
from the advancement of transmutive techniques made possible
by the Champion Process.
If you took a poll now, the skeptics should far outnumber the
believers. However, new discoveries are coming forth daily.
In March 1993, Life Magazine reported on Lea Potts, a 15-year
old high school student who created diamonds with a welding
torch in the family's garage. This is a known event within the
scientific community. Scientists are now working on ways to
create diamonds easier, cheaper and more efficiently.
The world of alchemy opens many new exciting challenges to mankind,
as well as setting forth potential disasters. Both topics will
be reviewed in Chapter VII.